November 4, 2013

Independent Bookstores of America!

Hi Everyone,

Below I have created an index to all 49 bookstore blog posts.  On each post you can find all the bookstore's website, Facebook, and Twitter links. The list is also a quick at-a-glance of which stores will be featured in the final book. Share it around, take a look, and the next time someone claims his state doesn't have any independent bookstores anymore, show them this page and prove they're wrong!

Thank you all so much for following me on this bookstore tour these last months as I continue to work to create this Independent Bookstores of America coffee table book. The first couple stages are officially finished! I'm so grateful for all the support I've received from so many people. From all you beautiful book loving people who supported the IndieGoGo campaign to all the new friends, blog followers, and bookstore owners I've met over the last few months during this bookstore tour -- I could not have done this without all of you. 

Total Miles Driven: 18,821
Indie Bookstores Photographed: 49 
States visited: 48
Months on the road: 4+
Total # of times I give thanks for all of your support: 1,000,000,000 (and only grows each day)

As for questions about Hawaii and Alaska, well maybe one day it'll be in the budget, and we can add them in. :-)

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again.


P.S. -- If your favorite indie bookstore didn't make it into the book this time, I am really sorry. I promise the hardest part of this project was narrowing down the bookstores to only one per state. There are many more out there that I truly love. Thank goodness, right? Long live bookstores!

Alabama Page and Palette
Arizona Antigone Books
Arkansas WordsWorth Books & Company
California Green Apple Books
Colorado Tattered Cover
Connecticut R.J. Julia Booksellers
Delaware Browseabout Books
Florida Books & Books
Georgia FoxTale Bookshop
Idaho Rediscovered Books
Illinois Anderson's Bookshop
Indiana Big Hat Books
Iowa Prairie Lights
Kansas Rainy Day Books
Kentucky The Morris Bookshop
Louisiana Garden District Bookshop
Maine Longfellow Books
Maryland The Ivy Bookshop
Massachusetts Porter Square Books
Michigan Nicola's Books
Minnesota Magers & Quinn Booksellers
Mississippi Square Books
Missouri Left Bank Books
Montana Country Bookshelf
Nebraska The Bookworm
Nevada Sundance Bookstore
New Hampshire Water Street Bookstore
New Jersey Watchung Booksellers
New Mexico Moby Dickens
New York WORD
North Carolina Malaprop's
North Dakota Zandbroz Variety
Ohio The Book Loft
Oklahoma Full Circle Bookstore
Oregon Bloomsbury Books
Pennsylvania Joseph Fox Bookshop
Rhode Island Books on the Square
South Carolina Hub City Bookshop
South Dakota Prairie Pages Bookseller 
Tennessee Parnassus Books
Texas Book People
Utah Weller Book Works
Vermont Crow Bookshop
Virginia Fountain Bookstore
Washington Elliot Bay Book Company
Washington, D.C. Politics & Prose
West Virginia Taylor Books
Wisconsin Boswell Book Company
Wyoming Wind City Books

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